Go Forth

a confident step, towards your future

“The will to succeed is important, but what
is more important is the will to prepare.”

-Bobby Knight

Thank you for your interest in KALS and for taking the first bold steps towards being better. This is where you will learn the art and skill of self-motivation and self-direction. You will discover issues, actions and concepts that you care about. We believe in the unique possibility and potential of every student who applies to us. As a school that’s progressive and rooted in strong core values, we believe in providing educational opportunities to students irrespective of ethnicity or nationality. Prospective students and parents are taken around the campus to have a first-hand experience of the environment and its multidisciplinary facilities, we are with you every step of the way.

Candidates are requested to submit application forms.
Click Below To Download

ISC Admission Form
ICSE Admission Form

Incomplete forms will not be considered.
Submission of this form does not guarantee an interview call.

1. Student recent passport size photos (6nos)

2. Date of Birth Certificate

3. Marks card of three consecutive years

4. Transfer certificate ( on completion of admission process)

5. Aadhar card of the student and the parents

6. Passport size photograph of parents together.

7. Processing Fee Enclosed.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

To know more contact us!